Temerl-P...Know What It Is
Friday, June 11, 2010
Here is a very informative Termeril-P link....
This drug contains steroids....
This is the section dog owners should be highly cognitive of:
Phenothiazine derivatives apply also to Temaril-P. Possible side effects attributable to corticosteroids include sodium retention and potassium loss, negative nitrogen balance, suppressed adrenal cortical function, delayed wound healing, osteoporosis, elevated levels of SGPT and SAP, and vomiting and diarrhea (occasionally bloody). Cushings syndrome in dogs has been reported in association with prolonged or repeated steroid therapy. Possible increased susceptibility to bacterial invasion and/or the exacerbation of preexisting bacterial infection may occur in patients receiving corticosteroids. As noted above, however, this problem can be avoided by concomitant use of appropriate anti-infective agents. Possible side effects attributable to phenothiazine derivatives include sedation; protruding nictitating membrane; blood dyscrasias; intensification and prolongation of the action of analgesics, sedatives and general anesthetics; and potentiation of organophosphate toxicity and the activity of procaine hydrochloride.
Keyword here is Adrenal insufficiency and CUSHINGS....
Licensed Acupuncturist and Dog Herbalist