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Take this Self-Evaluation for Formula Recommendations

Herbal Formulas to Choose and Buy NOW:

Stop-Itch: for Exuberant Wind

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Choose This Product If:

  • Itching seems to appear seasonally
  • Scratching is all over the body
  • Minor skin sores
  • All seasons with Spring Time possibly the worst 
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Product Description

Pick this formula for constant itch. The itching moves all over the body, and amount broken skin is minor. There may be a slight red rash. Think of moves from place to place...This formula alleviates Wind (Itch). Edit

Stop-Itch: Blood-Heat Pattern

dog itching, canine itching, dog itch, canine itch, dog itch remedies, canine itch remedies, dog itching remedy, canine itching remedy, dog scratching, canine scratching, dog scratching remedies, canine scratching remedies, dog skin allergies, canine skin allergies

Choose This Product If:

  • Bright red scratch marks and crusts all over the body
  • Itching is worse in the hot summer months
  • Itching skin appears bright red in color
  • Scratch marks cause bright red bleeding marks 
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Product Description

This formula is for extreme itching whereas it actually causes the skin to bleed. The skin will be scarlet red in color, and feel extremely hot to the touch. This pattern of itching is due extreme heat that has entered into the blood level of the pet. This formula is designed to cool blood heat so as to alleviate itching. Edit

Stop-Itch: Damp-Heat Pattern

dog itching, canine itching, dog itch, canine itch, dog itch remedies, canine itch remedies, dog itching remedy, canine itching remedy, dog scratching, canine scratching, dog scratching remedies, canine scratching remedies, dog skin allergies, canine skin allergies

Choose This Product If:

  • Itching causes hot spots
  • Itching located mostly at the base of the tail/legs
  • Prone to smelly ear problems
  • Fur may be greasy and smelly
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Product Description

This is the  most common pet itching problem, broken skin sores caused by scratching due to intense itching. Pick this formula for the pet that is itching and seems hot and bothered, and has hot spots/skin sores. This type of itch is caused by internal heat manifesting itself through the skin. The sores will be weepy, and the skin with be really red. Edit

Stop-Itch: Immune Deficiency

dog itching, canine itching, dog itch, canine itch, dog itch remedies, canine itch remedies, dog itching remedy, canine itching remedy, dog scratching, canine scratching, dog scratching remedies, canine scratching remedies, dog skin allergies, canine skin allergies

Choose This Product If:

  • Itching Seasonally
  • Itching From Foods
  • Itching From Toxins
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Product Description

Pick this formula if you want a product for "allergies". Chinese herbal theory calls this pattern Weak Wei Qi. Wei Qi is the protective barrier that surrounds the outside of the body, and protects against external invasions of pathogens. Edit

Stop-Itch: Blood Deficiency

dog itching, canine itching, dog itch, canine itch, dog itch remedies, canine itch remedies, dog itching remedy, canine itching remedy, dog scratching, canine scratching, dog scratching remedies, canine scratching remedies, dog skin allergies, canine skin allergies

Choose This Product If:

  • Typically seen in the elderly pet
  • Dry skin and fur
  • Itching results in thicker skin
  • Skin scaling
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Product Description

Think dry dry dry! The skin will be flakey, the coat dull, and the pet may be old or have been sick for awhile. This is about the Liver blood nourishing the skin. Edit