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Herbal Formulas to Choose and Buy NOW:

HLW: Yang Floating Formula

Hind Leg Weakness

Choose This Product If:

  • Hind Legs/low back/ knees buckle when moving
  • Pet has trouble holding urine
  • Hind-Legs and low back area feel cool 
  • Notable fatigue
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Product Description

Chose this formula when there is hind- leg weakness for the more cold and tired pet. Yang is function, so when the hind-legs begin to weaken we look to the TCM Kidney system. The Kidneys house the essence (jing), think of the word vitality. When function of the lower back, hind legs,  and knees start to weaken, it is attributed to a decline of  Yang-Qi.  Yang is warming, thus when cold accumulates,  we want to warm Yang to strengthen the hind-legs, lower back and knees. Edit

HLW: Yin & Yang Decline Formula

Hind Leg Weakness

Choose This Product If:

  • Hips-Hind legs muscles are losing volume
  • Lower back & hips seem to be painful or sensitive
  • The fur and skin has become dry and brittle
  • Panting, especially at nighttime 
  • Arthritis type pain symptoms
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Product Description

Chose this formula for the pet that is experiencing hind-leg weakness and seems to be running on the warmer side. Yin is cooling in nature, and Yin is substance, think Blood. If Yin is deficient, Yang will fail to transform, which balances the the cooling nature of Yin.  Yin makes muscles supple and keeps internal organs nourished. We use this formula when we see bodily substances on the decline. Edit

HLW: Damp Heat Formula

Hind Leg Weakness

Choose This Product If:

  • Hind-Legs and hips feel warm
  • Joints may be swollen and feel hot
  • Pet seems hot and pants frequently
  • Skin may have hot spots
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Product Description

Think of everything hot when you review this formula. Hot skin, stinky ears, smelly stools, hot joints, panting...hot, hot pattern. It addresses the weakness of the hind-legs as a result of the extreme Damp-Heat accumulation. We see this pattern during the hot months of the year. Edit

HLW: Blood Deficiency Stirring Wind Formula

Hind Leg Weakness

Choose This Product If:

  • Dry, lusterless eyes
  • Movement is not steady
  • Tremor like quivering of the legs
  • Dry skin and/or fur
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Product Description

The main purpose of this formula is to nourish blood. The signature of this formula is the shaking of the legs and weakness while trying to walk. You might also notice muscle twitching while sleeping. Edit