Spirit Calming         All Customers: $10 Instant Savings* and Free Shipping Fridays!

Take this Self-Evaluation for Formula Recommendations

Herbal Formulas to Choose and Buy NOW:

Calm the Spirit: Heart Blood Deficiency - Cats & Small Dogs

Spirit Calming for Cats

Choose This Product If:

  • The pet displays notable fearfulness
  • You notice night-time restlessness/twitching
  • Your pet may get hyper-agitated easily
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Product Description

Choose this formula for the pet who seems fearful and may want to hide. Think of the words; timid, highly "excitable", and startles easily. Edit

Calm the Spirit: Liver Yang Rising - Cats & Small Dogs

Spirit Calming for Cats

Choose This Product If:

  • Tendency towards aggressiveness
  • Frequent pacing
  • Destructive behaviors 
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Product Description

Choose this formula for aggressive and compulsive type of behaviors. Examples are excess barking (meowing), pacing, tail chasing, and destructive behaviors. This formula is for Liver Yang Rising Harassing the Heart Spirit. Edit