Food & Supplements For Damp Heat (Bladder Stones)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Most of the time the beginning stages of bladder/kidney stones are due to what we would (TCM) say is the condition of Damp Heat...this means that a damp condition in the bladder has combined with heat..Generally seen in the form of bladder infections..Stones are a progression of this condition.

The definition of that is for another discussion...this thread is all about getting foods that we can put into the pet's diet to help move damp through the bladder and keep the bladder "cool"...

I hope to add to this list as I see more foods;

Bitter, cooling and or alkalizing foods clean out damp-heat...these are cooling veggies...I will add cooling meats on the next post.

aduki beans, lima beans
winter squash, potatoes with the skins

Here are some fruits if we can get the dogs to eat them, diluted lemon juice, cranberry juice, and huckleberries....

Beneficial teas that we could mix with their foods...dandelion leaf tea, uva ursi tea, plantain leaf tea, pipsissewa teaWink...

Seeds that are good to add to the diet...flax seed, and watermelon seeds.

(Healing with Whole Foods; Paul Pitchford, 3rd addition)

Organ Meat;

Chicken Gizzards...used in many Chinese herbal formulas for bladder repair!


Cod Liver Oil 2500 IU/day small dogs, 5,000 IU/medium/ 10,000 IU/large
Vitamin A maintains a nice bladder lining which is a precursor to vitamin D. Please make sure that your pet gets out doors everyday so that the vitamin may be activated!

Vitamin C:
Aides in detoxification and acidifies the urine and helps to prevent stones. Give twice daily 250mg to small dogs and 500 mg/medium and large dogs get 500 milligrams, three times a day.

The B2 and the B6 are the critical complex for this condition, but always give a b complex. Give small dogs a daily tablet of 10 mg, medium to large dogs use 20-mg.

Do not restrict calcium from the diets. some people are advised to follow a low calcium diets that the idea of restricting the calcium will reduce the formation of stones. Howeever there is not evidence that this is effective, in fact calcium actually makes teh problem worse by increasing the amount of oxalate in the urine.


This mineral helps prevent reformation of stones. Magnesium chloride are good at levels of 50, 100, 300 mg a day depending on your animal size.

Avoid exposure to cadmium which is known to increase the formation of stones. the most common source of cadmium is cigarette smoke.

(Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide t Natural Health For Dogs & Cats)