
What Paw-Happy Customers Are Saying

Monday, December 19, 2022

Kai, 10 year old Newfoundland, has been on your Kidney Support Basic & has had great results.

Kai, 10 year old Newfoundland, has been on your Kidney Support Basic & has had great results. continue reading

Johanna Matsuda, CO Custom Herbal Formula
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Skye just turned 14! She is doing much better after understanding kidney disease, diet change and putting her on kidney support with the paw greens and Rena GO powder!

Skye just turned 14! She is doing much better after understanding kidney disease, diet change and putting her on kidney support with the paw greens and Rena GO powder! continue reading

Mindy Wolfe, OR Custom Herbal Formula
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Kidney Support Helps Chase!

Our cat, Chase, has been on the basic kidney support formula for about a year. She was diagnosed with renal failure when she was 14 years old. . This product has kept her going strong for the last year and hopefully for several more. She’s 15 now and doesn’t seem to know it. continue reading

Heather Rushing, NC Custom Herbal Formula