
What Paw-Happy Customers Are Saying

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Back/Hips Liver & Kidney Painful Obstruction helps with Arthritis

Go Scarlett! continue reading

June Sharp, California Custom Herbal Formula
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Roxy with Bee-Antler Joint Saver Product

Roxy is almost 10 years old. We have found that she has arthritis in her back hip and sometimes the pain is so bad that she limps or stays on her pillow. I have tried multiple supplements which would work for a little while, but it wasn't until we started using this hip and joint saver that everyone has noticed 100% difference! Even the neighbors have made comments on how she seems to be running around better! Here you see her rolling around in the grass, one of her favorite things to do! Thank you Pawhealer! continue reading

Lesleigh Cargill, LA Custom Herbal Formula
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Winston improved movement and playful again - suffered from Herniated Discs

I gave two of my dogs these formulas and saw amazing results! My rescue Chihuahua (who was terribly abused) was diagnosed with a luxated patella in her left leg that my vet said would require surgery. After using this formula for two weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in her condition. She continue reading

Elizabeth DeLangie-Walling, CA Custom Herbal Formula