Lipoma, Fatty Lumps & Bumps

dog lipomas, canine lipomas, dog lipoma remedy
herbal treatment for canine lipomas, canine fatty tumors treatment, bumps on dogs, dog fatty tumor natural treatment, dog lipoma natural treatment, herbal treatment for dog lipomas, dog fatty tumors, canine fatty tumors

Choose This Pattern If:

  • Any lump and bump on breasts
  • Inflamed milk ducts

Chinese Herbal Formula Uses:

  • Smoothes the chest for female dogs
  • Soothes swollen upper body glands (such as milk ducts)

Traditional Chinese Herb Action:

  • Dispels Blood, Qi and Phlegm Stasis
  • Breaks nodules and swellings
  • Unblocks stagnant Liver Qi
  • Clears Heat and detoxifies
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(*) 1 bottle contains 100 gms powder

** Does Not Apply to Heartworm and Trachea Support: Kidney Not Grasping Qi
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    Your Dog's Health Is In Your Hands! Open Your Mind.......

    Quick Answers:
    • Safe for old dogs
    • Herbs are a powder
    • Works for multiple fatty lumps

    Why are our dogs getting so many Lipoma's? That's the question we need to understand in order to rectify this situation.

    First; A discussion of what this swelling actually consists of will really give us the clue...

    These lumps are nothing but FAT. Chinese medicine calls these unsightly masses "nodules", which is a general term the Chinese use to describe the many different types of swellings, masses, enlargements, hardness, lumps etc.

    Nodules, as well as hardened tissues, encompasses a wide variety of clinical conditions. When the cause is unknown, western medicine struggles to identify a diagnosis and a treatment. Conversely, Chinese medicine is quite effective as it offers a wide range of  herbs to reduce the swelling and dissolve and disperse these nodules of fat and hardened tissues.

    What causes these nodules to you think?

    Well it's the's opinion that these lumps are actually caused by the accumulation of something which is called phlegm and damp (FAT!), and we believe it is  caused from a dog's diet that has been too rich in grains (this include rice, oats, bran, wheat, etc).

    It's our thought that a dog's digestive system is just not properly equipped to completely handle these types of foods, and as a direct result of this inability to properly digest, there then becomes this accumulation of food, which just converts to this mass of phlegm and damp (FAT!).

    The second cause may be a weakening digestive system, because either the dog was perhaps born with it,  or just the dog getting older causes the "Yang Ming" to decline (digestive channels). So what do we do about that? Again, work with the the diet and find foods that your dog can digest properly. Just because you have been feeding your dog the same food for 10 years does not mean that at this age, it won't cause a problem. Nobody, dog or person stays the same for a lifetime.

    These herbs are programmed by nature to break apart the accumulation of this phlegm and damp, but a critical component to the success of this herbal formula is changing the lifestyle (menu) of the pet. We hope you give it a chance, because chances are that even if the lumps are removed by surgery they may very well return.


    Nodule is a general term that is used to describe many different types of goiter, lymphedema, swelling, mass, enlargement, hardness, scrofula, boil, carbuncle, sore, lump, furuncle, abscess, polyp, hordeolum or hard-seated lesion in the body. Though these conditions may have different etiology, they are all characterized by swelling, inflammation and possible infection.

    Western Medical Approach: Many of these conditions have no treatment available. When infection is involved, antibiotics may be used orally or topically. When there is pain and inflammation, analgesic or anti-inflammation drugs may be used for symptomatic treatment. Lastly, surgery may be performed to remove the nodule or hardened tissues.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach: These nodules are considered to be stagnation of qi, blood, and phlegm. From pharmacological perspective, these herbs have antibiotic effect to treat infection, and anti-inflammatory effect to reduce swelling and inflammation. Furthermore, these herbs are also effective for hardness and nodules where there are no signs of infection and inflammation. For this application, however, herbs must be taken continuously for a few months to slowly dissolve and disperse these nodules and hardened tissues.

    Summation: Nodules and hardened tissues encompass a wide variety of clinical conditions. When the cause is unknown, western medicine struggles to identify a diagnosis and a treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine, however, is quite effective as it offers a wide range of therapeutic substances to treat infection, reduce swelling and inflammation, and dissolve and disperse nodules and hardened tissues.

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    If you have a question about one of our herbal formulas, its usage or dosage, ask us about it here! Just fill out the form below, send it to us and we will do our best to get you your answer within 3 hours.

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    Administer xx tsp powder
    2x per day

    1 bottle (100 gms powder) will last xx days

    Save MORE with Combo Packs

    SAVE $20.85
    Dissolve Female + Paw-Zymes
    Combo Pack

    Dissolve Female + Paw-Zymes combo pack focuses on the idea that bagged and processed food that contains grains is considered the root cause of the phlegm that Traditional Chinese Medicine attributes to Phlegm (in this case Fatty Tumors) which is indigestible and stored in the body as a fatty deposit. Digestive enzymes help support the digestive system for food that is lacking in whole nutrients and assists the body in breaking down new food that is eaten, so that it is properly absorbed and used by the body and not added to the existing fatty tumor.

    SAVE $30.25
    Dissolve Female + Thyro G.O (4 oz powder) + Paw-Zymes
    Combo Pack

    This triple combo pack adds Thyro GO: Healthy thyroid function is important for energy, achieving and maintaining ideal weight and supporting overall health and a general sense of vitality. Thyro GO is an excellent dietary supplement for pets, especially those with special needs.