Lipoma, Fatty Lumps & Bumps         All Customers: PRESIDENTS DAY SALE!

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Herbal Formulas to Choose and Buy NOW:

Dissolve Herbal Formula

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herbal treatment for canine lipomas, canine fatty tumors treatment, bumps on dogs, dog fatty tumor natural treatment, dog lipoma natural treatment, herbal treatment for dog lipomas, dog fatty tumors, canine fatty tumors

Choose This Product If:

  • For canine lipomas
  • The lumps and bumps are soft and movable
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Product Description

This is our original Dissolve formula for dog lipomas. The formula works to transform the pockets of fat deposited under the skin. Many pet owners report that this formula also helps dogs feel better in the terms of mobility. Because we are moving the obstructive phlegm/damp accumulation, the blood is able to circulate more freely. Dissolve is PawHealer's most sold product.

Lifestyle changes, such as a grain free diet, fresh food is best, and at least 40 minutes of exercise a day, help the herbal formula and the digestive system to process food properly. Diet is a key component to a healthy dog and the efficiency of Dissolve for fatty tumors on your dog. Edit

Dissolve: Damp-Heat Toxins Lumps & Bumps

dog lipomas, canine lipomas, dog lipoma remedy
herbal treatment for canine lipomas, canine fatty tumors treatment, bumps on dogs, dog fatty tumor natural treatment, dog lipoma natural treatment, herbal treatment for dog lipomas, dog fatty tumors, canine fatty tumors

Choose This Product If:

  • Dog lipomas that are red and painful fatty lumps
  • Any skin sores that have swellings
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Product Description

Dissolve: Damp-Heat Toxins lumps & bumps herbal formula is for dogs that  have fatty lumps (lipomas) that feel hard,  look red, and seem painful. This can include any type of lump or bump that is red, painful to the touch, and may even have pus. Dissolve: Damp Heat Toxin, helps to clear toxic heat, break apart phlegm nodules that are heated and painful. Edit

Dissolve: Upper Lumps & Bumps

dog lipomas, canine lipomas, dog lipoma remedy
herbal treatment for canine lipomas, canine fatty tumors treatment, bumps on dogs, dog fatty tumor natural treatment, dog lipoma natural treatment, herbal treatment for dog lipomas, dog fatty tumors, canine fatty tumors

Choose This Product If:

  • Canine chest lipomas
  • Lumps that are soft and movable on chest
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Product Description

Dissolve: Upper lumps & bumps is a formula is for the "Upper Burner", which means it's for the area of the chest. Any type of nodules and accumulations located the area of the chest are cataloged as Qi, Blood and Phlegm Stagnation. The guide herbs in this formula will send the herb Qi to chest area. Edit

Dissolve: Female Lumps & Bumps

dog lipomas, canine lipomas, dog lipoma remedy
herbal treatment for canine lipomas, canine fatty tumors treatment, bumps on dogs, dog fatty tumor natural treatment, dog lipoma natural treatment, herbal treatment for dog lipomas, dog fatty tumors, canine fatty tumors

Choose This Product If:

  • Any lump and bump on breasts
  • Inflamed milk ducts
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Product Description

This is a dog lipoma remedy great formula for female dogs because of many of the problems associated with the breast area. Finally a formula offered with the idea of the girl dog in mind! Chinese herbal formulas are known for their efficiency for treating issues of the female breast line, such as mastitis, and breast tumors. Edit