Isaiah, no more fatty tumors with PawHealer Dissolve herbal formula
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Our 11 year old Blue Tick Beagle Isaiah developed a number of fatty tumors last year. Our vet did not have an answer to cure him. I did a search online and I found the product called, "Dissolve" on PawHealer. Without delay, I ordered the capsules and I began giving them to our dog. Isaiah was not able to climb stairs and certainly not able to jump up on the sofa. I gave Isaiah 4 capsules per day (2 capsules in a lump of peanut butter 2xs), and in just a few days, Isaiah was climbing stairs and jumping on the sofa! I find this amazing! He is on the product, just 4 caps a day. The dose is 8 caps a day, and I will increase as time goes by, if needed. Besides this, when I run my hand down his back and legs, I noticed the lumps shrunk after 2 weeks, and now I do not feel them at all! I will continue to give him this product. We don't know what he has internally, as we never had him x-rayed. But I know he has tremendous relief all around. (He weighs 54 lbs.) I am so favorably impressed by these herbs that I ordered for myself from their "people products." I highly recommend that you try what is suggested, if there is a need your pet (or you) have. Well worth it.
Christime LaRocca
PawHealer's Response:
Thank you for your story
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mail and sending the picture. They use the coupon on their following order.
We sell traditional Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, and pet products. We do not engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry in any of its branches. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or administer any drug, medicine, appliance, application, or treatment for the prevention, cure, or relief of a wound, fracture, bodily injury, or disease of animals. We do not perform any surgical or dental operation upon any animal. We do not perform any manual procedure for the diagnosis of pregnancy, sterility, or infertility upon livestock Equidae.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for visits to your local veterinarian. Instead, these testimonials offer the reader information and opinions written by pet owners concerning animal health and products that they have used.