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Trachea Support: Phlegm Heat Formula

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Choose This Product If:

  • Collapsed trachea honking type cough
  • Lots of panting
  • It seems dog is hot and restless
  • You notice pronounced thirst
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Product Description

This is PawHealer's most popular remedy for canine collapsed trachea support. This formula works great for dogs that have a "honking" type cough. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) works in a way to clear heat and transform the sticky phlegm that is obstructing the lung airways. A great home remedy for dog collapsed trachea management.

The pattern of phlegm heat obstructing Lung Qi arises when phlegm and heat combine to impede the functioning of the Chinese Medicine theory's Lung system. This pattern is evident when there are symptoms of loud- honking- excess type coughs.

Canine collapsed trachea is all about the management of the trachea cough. Fill your tool box with PawHealer Trachea Support formula. Edit

Trachea Support: Wet Cough & Nasal Drip

collapsed trachea, dog trachea cough, remedy for collapsed trachea, canine collapsed trachea, home remedy for collapsed trachea,collapsed trachea remedy for dogs,dog collapsed trachea, canine collapsed trachea

Choose This Product If:

  • Collapsed trachea for wet-type coughs
  • Stuffy nose
  • Chest congestion
  • Fatigue and weakness
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Product Description

This home remedy for collapsed trachea cough management is for the dog that has a wet type cough which is excessive phlegm accumulation. Other manifestations of phlegm are nasal congestion, and mucus type sounds in the dog's chest.

This formula has combined herbs for a phlegm-damp type cough and helps for nasal drip that  initiates coughing. The nasal cavity can drip phlegm to the back of the throat and result in a trachea cough. 

 Dog trachea cough due to dampness has obvious physical manifestations: mucus and phlegm are examples of dampness in the body, so is runny nose, or coughing up phlegm, and being bogged down and fatigued by the heavy turbidity of  Phlegm. This formula has herbs to support the transformation of nasal damp and the accumulation of damp in the chest. A two in one formula! Edit

Trachea Support: Kidney Not Grasping Qi

collapsed trachea, dog trachea cough, remedy for collapsed trachea, canine collapsed trachea, home remedy for collapsed trachea,collapsed trachea remedy for dogs,dog collapsed trachea, canine collapsed trachea

Choose This Product If:

  • Difficult Inhalation and/or wheezing
  • Honking-Dry cough symptoms
  • Panting because of feeling hot
  • Worsens with exertion 
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Product Description

The flow of Qi is the process of inhaling and exhaling during normal breathing. This formula is blended to tonify Kidney Qi so as to help with the symptoms of wheezing and cough. Long term Lung-Heat eventually damages Kidney Qi, and thus it is said, The Kidney can not grasp Lung Qi. Edit